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Finca Rica

Productor Canario
Products: 19
Date created: 2021-10-05
Finca Rica es una empresa dedicada a la fabricación de productos a base de Aloe Vera procedentes de fincas certificadas ecológicas.
Finca Rica
Pasta De Dientes Activamenta
Envase de 40 ml.Indicated as an antiseptic and to promote good breath. Helps whiten teeth and promotes good oral health
Finca Rica
Pasta De Dientes Frescamenta
Envase de 40 ml.Indicated to prevent the formation of bacterial plaque and improve breath.
Finca Rica
Unguento De Arbol Del Te
Envase de 100 ml.Indicated to nourish the skin and keep it, naturally, clean and well purified.
Finca Rica
Unguento De Calendula Lavanda
Envase de 100 ml.Indicated for body massages and to help with the ultra dry skin of the body.
Finca Rica
Desodorante Aloe Piedra De Alumbre
Envase de 50 ml.Recommended for people who do not want to use conventional deodorants but rather a natural and effective product for sensitive skin.
Finca Rica
Desodorante Aloe Bicarbonato
Envase de 50 ml.Indicated for people who do not want to use conventional deodorants but natural products.