Prepared dishes and preserves

There are many healthy prepared, pre-cooked and canned dishes. They are the perfect option for people who need to save time and effort in the kitchen but want to eat a healthy diet. Because at Sanus.Online the priority is your health and that of your family, we bring you the best brands of high-quality prepared and canned dishes to help you improve your general well-being.

Prepared dishes and preserves There are 95 products.

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Bio Organica Italia

Pate Alcachofas Boi

Envase de 100 gr.
Bio Organica Italia

Pate Olivas Negras Boi

Envase de 100 gr.
Bio Organica Italia

Pimiento A La Brasa En Aceite Bio

Envase de 190 gr.

Sopa Miso Instantanea

Envase con 4 sobres de 40 gr.

Sopa de Boletus Miso Bio


Sopa Fideos Curry Bio


Sopa de Letras con Verduras


Sopa de Doce Verduras Bio

Cal Valls

Lentejas Cocidas Eco


Pate Untable Calabaza Jengibre

Envase de 135 gr.

Umeboshi Ciruela Bio

Envase de 200 gr.